Thursday, August 30, 2012

Smell that?


The smell of fresh paint is lingering in our home and I. like. it.  We've been busy the last few weeks prepping and painting the girls' separate rooms.  That is exactly how they each refer to them too.  MY separate room.  This is the first time that they'll have rooms to call their very own and this is the first major revamp that we've done in our new home so far - it's very exciting all around.

Emma's (aka the bear) room is done as far as painting and stenciling.  Cloey's (aka the monster) is still in progress and will be finished this coming weekend.  Just in time for her birthday!  I first met her when she was Emma's age (4) and on Monday our sassy little redhead will be turning 7.  It seems unreal.  I smile when I think about how I've been blessed to become part of their lives and watch them grow.  There is nothing like motherhood (stepmotherhood is still motherhood in my book).

The last few days have been very busy as are most days around here.  I managed to squeeze in a couple of projects that I've been itching to do for the girls' rooms.

In the meantime our ladies have been busy soaking up what little bit of summer they have left.  We love it when we see them enjoying being outdoors.  Especially when I look out the kitchen window and see that little sister has volunteered to have herself and her kittens locked in a dog crate.  Big sister was happy to oblige.

Emma took her role very seriously and was quite the diva pet.  She had Cloey run inside multiple times to collect kitty food, water, and fabric to drape over the top of the crate to make it look pretty.  They make me giddy inside.

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Monday, August 27, 2012


Well, this is my very first blog post in a long while and I am feeling the pressure.  I remember years ago when I first learned about blogging on what you would then refer to as your "personal site."  A place you would spend hours creating using a crazy amount of learn-as-you-go html (what, what Lissa Explains it All!) only to be sick of looking at it by the time it was done.  I remember the pain of frames quite well.  

Now instead of guestbooks we have comments and Instagram has replaced those popular webcam images overlayed with date/time stamps.  Things have definitely changed since then and so have I.  We've come a long way, baby!

I'm not going to lie - this makes me nervous.  A lot of times (okay, pretty much all of the time) with social anxiety you have to push yourself to do something you're not comfortable with.  Blessedly, I have an amazingly supportive husband who will not only listen to all of my wild ideas but push me into bringing them to fruition when he knows it's something I really want to do.

I hope to use this blog to document our busy lives and to help keep track of memories.  I hope to meet lots of similar and different people.  To learn more about myself.  To educate others about social anxiety disorder  and to show that it is possible to have a life with such a horrendous disorder.

Let the adventure begin!

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