Monday, September 17, 2012

Livin' for the weekend.

Our weekend was busy and because it was so busy it was gone before I had time to look up.  Mr. Craft was filming at home yesterday so the lil ladies and I headed out for a girl's day.  We ended up with some pretty nice finds at the thrift store (pictures later) and the Monster got to spend her hard-earned birthday money around town.  She was so excited to buy things herself and spent most of the time walking around the stores adding up prices out loud and counting out her money, "to have it ready" she said..  So proud of her when she paid for her stuff (I helped a little) and said, "thank you" to the cashier when she gave her back change.  So grown up!

We had lots of fun and I love spending one-on-one time with them like this.  We ended with super fast back-to-work/school prep and bath time.  The Monster is doing the shower thing on her own now.  Geez, she needs to stop growing!  Good thing Bear is still down for a bubble bath.

1 comment:

  1. A newbie to your blog, found you on BBN.

    I love the the photography in this post - some great shots of your family.

    Love Claire xx


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